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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  April 30, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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night, dozens of people have already been arrested, zip-tied, and loaded onto buses columbia university of putting out a statement reading in part quo, we believe that group that broke into and occupied the building is led by individuals who are not affiliated with the university. the decision to reach out to the nypd was in response to the actions of the protesters, not the cause. they are championing plates tuesday, protesters chose to escalate to an alarming an untenable situation including by vandalizing property, breaking doors and windows, blockading, entrances, and forcing our facilities and public safety workers out now, columbia tonight is asking the nypd to maintain a presence on campus until at least may 17. i want to bring in cnn shimon prokupecz shimon. what are you seeing right now and tell me how did all of this go down? >> well, it was so significant and the presence was just so
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enormous early in the night, we started seeing the arrival of the search teams from the ny pd. does response teams, and that's when you really knew something was about to go down here and it was just stunning to see the amount of officers that started just descending on the campus onto the area around the campus. and there were you hundreds of officers that started moving and then more units started moving in. and then really the most serious action and some of the most heavily armed, some of the most tactical officers from the nypd started arriving here on the amsterdam sayyed of the campus outside hamilton hall to enter the building. it's clear that they had been planning for this since probably early this morning when things took a significant turn after a several of the protesters
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stormed hamilton hall, got inside the nypd. you must feel you get a sense that the it's higher day was spent planning this just when you look at the enormous response. and so the emergency services officers responded here and then we saw that heavily armed vehicle. what's called a bear cat. >> and they went up against hamilton hall going inside dozens of officers climbing up on the truck. >> and what going through the window into hamilton hall where they went room by room, clearing. the hall, clearing the area making several arrests, clearing the campus. they actually let some of the people on the canvas. they told me them to leave some voluntary voluntarily left dozens of others were arrested and just a short time ago it all just came to an end that many of those officers who went in with their tools, we saw things that would
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be used to cut through locks we saw other up things to break through doors. we saw other heavily armed equipment and shields and all those dozens of those officers streamed out, gotten their vehicles, and simply left and now it would appear that the entire campus has been cleared. the hall has been cleared. we have no so reports of any injuries laura but i've covered many protests here in new york city. i have never seen a response like this, a mobilization like this, the way the nypd came in with such force, which such precision, and it's clear and in part this was to set and a message. and part to protect themselves. something very significant happened here it seems that they probably got some information. they've got very concerned. they said that this was now a safety concern and they had to take this extreme measure and essentially
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come on campus, use the tactics that they did to get inside hamilton hall. >> so significant. i mean, this is a university, right? this is columbia university. scenes like this this is something that's going to be part of a history. certainly for the city, for this university. and laura for the nypd so significant, what they did here and how they did it. and luckily right now as far as we know, there have been no injuries shimon just thinking about the presence that we saw, the number of officers, it seemed as though there was at least just looking at you don't see many students, you see an overwhelming presence of law enforcement officials, as you mentioned a tactical teams that were involved there. >> what bring as they went into these buildings, hamilton hall, specifically are you hearing people react? was there a presence on campus of students reacting to this overwhelming presence? what were you seeing on the ground in terms of seeing that presence from the community?
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>> yeah. there were some of the students. there's a bridge here just over my left shoulder. some of the students were gathered up there. there were students behind this. they're actually screaming at the officers, shame, shame. saying, you know, sort of calling them out for what they were, for what they were doing. many of the people here don't agree with this. look. many of the faculty members many of the students don't agree with the nypd having the nypd come in on the campus? it was about a week-and-a-half ago when columbia first did this and when they did that, when they did when they asked the nypd to come on campus and clear the encampment the first time. it's very significant and there was a lot of backlash on the university from the faculty and the students. this escalation. why are you calling? the nypd and for days we heard from the university, they didn't want to call the nypd in again. but after what happened this morning, it really left a university would
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no choice. and in talking to a sources at the nypd, laura, the nypd wanted to end this. they were very concerned that this was going to escalate and it was going to get to a point where there there was going to be something very serious happening here. and so they felt the need they needed to go in tonight and it was really up to columbia university. and finally, the university agreed to allow them to come in to go through those windows here at hamilton hall historic go through those windows, get inside that building and clear it shimon, please stay on this. >> we're relying on you so much. thank you so much. i want to bring in cnn's miguel marquez. miguel, you are out with more protests yes, there is in the streets. we see a lot of people and still what we're looking at earlier tonight images of officers on the campus of the area being cleared out, the sheer presence and volume mesh and moan has articulated the number of officers that are there. what are you seeing now we're seeing two more people being arrested. >> that's what you're looking at right now. those were people
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that were not on the columbia campus, but we're just outside on and show you what we are worth one 13 and amsterdam can, if you come down this way, this way, canvas way? there's still a large number of students, protesters who have gathered here outside the areas of police have closed off hamilton hall is just up the way here. a couple of blocks up amsterdam avenue police made entry through the second floor of hamilton hall. they use flash bangs to distract whoever was in there. the doors were barricaded with tables and chairs and soda machines there weren't many people in there. and at this point, police say it's done nobody that there's nobody on the columbia campus that shouldn't be there right now, which are essential workers and students who are living on the campus want to show you sort of police presence up here at 114 street, hundred and 14 is where the police went in in massive
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numbers as shimon was saying i i'm covered stuff like this all over the world had never seen this big a police presence. and they've handled it very quickly. i think we thought p here for many more hours, but police now say it's completely done. the only thing left in there in the encampment are the tenths and their personal possessions, which you can see the number of police officers who have moved here, 214th street has 14th is where the police went into the campus and then they brought out most of the arrest. he's done 140. there's still one bus down there and as police go in and out, so they're taking these two that were just arrested down to the bus that is down here that will the remainder of the arrestees that were in columbia, these people will now join them on that bus because you can see the number of police officers that are protecting this area. and then protesters across the street here as well, who our shouting at police yeah. go ahead.
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>> where are you in relation to hamilton hall in terms of where where officers were? >> so i was just explaining hamilton's hold down. the street here this is 1141151, 16. so two blocks up basically is where hamilton hall is right next to us. if you can see the people hanging out the windows here, that's also that's part of columbia university. that's john j. hall, which is just down just down from hamilton hall. and people are actually hanging out just watching what's happening on the street. these are people who live in the dorms here at the university and they're able to sort of just stand out on the window sills themselves and watch everything going on but it it while while it is done on the inside, it's certainly not done on the outside. just a short time ago here at one-thirteenth protesters are gathering there, there, they're yelling at police and they police are still trying to control the outside of campus. you can see all the people across amsterdam avenue. >> they have set up any
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enormous cordon around the university here broadway is shut down both directions from 11321 20th, amsterdam's also shut down. >> so both sides, both avenues along both sides of the university are completely shut down all the side streets. one, 1516, they're all shut down as well. and then they have barricades. they've been moving barricades and we knew something was going on because we saw these trucks early and late in the afternoon with tons of barricades coming in so it was very clear that something different was happening than we'd seen seen in previous days but right now, police say columbia university itself is done and there's nobody on the on the grounds that shouldn't be there. there were no injuries. they said no resisting, no reports of resisting arrest but the area around columbia police are still dealing with laura let me
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just how significant i think people april who may or may not be familiar with the new york area to shut down areas of broadway and amsterdam and beyond the surrounding area. >> this is extremely coordinated, insignificant, and would have taken a great deal of planning and to have that same level of police presence at this very hour emf, the campus has been cleared as they say, very significant, miguel, please stay with us. i want to bring it in and reporter julia vargas jones, juliet, you were actually on campus and police first entered the school. we've been watching you throughout the day and we've seen the ebb and flow of officers and now the maintenance of their presence there. what are you seeing right here even allowed back on campus or what campus luck flight couldn't want to move our f four over here so we just want to make sure where
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julia we're having problems hearing you quite well when again, we're watching you, julia, as you're walking in, you didn't have an s squared, so get you back on campus. you have been allowed your moved away from from the police buses at this point, but i want to be able to can we can we hear you again? you're walking onto campus. were had a little trouble hearing you talk again to me where well, on campus, you're going to fix it and come hold onto to important to lose what you're saying. we're going to bring in cnn chief law enforcement intelligence analyst john miller. we will come back to is why i want to know what's happening on the campus now that police have been cleared, john, you've been watching all of this and as we heard from miguel at one-point, talk about distraction, devices being used in hamilton hall tonight. what are those so a distraction device is one of those things that you it looks like a can. >> you throw it? it goes flash and then bang, which is why they call it a flash bang. and
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it basically, if somebody is waiting for you on the other side of it, that means you harm it is disorienting. just for a few seconds to the person on the other side and allows police to gain control. so when they did their entry today, not knowing what was going to be waiting for them on the other side, they threw these devices into disorient anybody who might be waiting for them with ill intent as it was laura, their search of the building turned up relatively few people but they had to go floor by floor during that search. >> what many people are talking about no. >> but i mean, i spoke to the people who were in the building and they said, we haven't run into a whole lot of people since we've been doing the floor by floor i think what you saw their laura was they knew a couple of things going in. they knew one for certain there was going to be no element of surprise. it was in social media, it was on the news that
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police had been authorized by in writing by the university to retake the building i think the considerations that were built into their plans were to bring an overwhelming number of police officers to be able to show that overwhelming number to whatever number of people they confronted outside and then inside that building, which was unknown to minimize the use of force that they would have to use. and as we see they made a number of arrests still trying to get that number the last we heard from police, it was 50 and counting. but we don't know. we get that number. do you think i'm obviously we believe doesn't have been arrested to your point, but there's not an official account that has been provided yet from the nypd. i suspect they're gonna go through the booking process and also shimon prokupecz was saying earlier that they were allowing some people to just leave the area. now they don't mean those who were inside hamilton hall, right? those people around the area and
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people who were in hamilton hall where they all arrested. it seems so. >> again, unknown people inside hamilton hall, although we do know that it was a very small number. >> so i think what we saw is that once word got out that they were going to retake the building, the people in hamilton hall may have left to join the group outside. that would be a less serious charge. it would likely not include burglary or certain criminal trespassing statutes if they weren't inside, if they were a student, it would be something even less because it's hard to charge a student who is entitled to be on campus with one of those things. so that may be what we saw, but what they got was they got the warning, which is if you don't move away from the front of this building, yeah. you're going to be arrested. they were given time to comply with that warning and let me go inside the building. john, because actually i can say with me
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getting a new footage of what took place, when nypd went inside of hamilton hall and they of course bound there were barricaded doors with chairs. >> we've heard about soda machines and beyond. as you can see, the footage right now, java, we're actually watching officers with shield with the nypd emergency unit. they have a hammer and a sledgehammer trying to break into areas that appear to have libraries and sayyed obviously to the university campuses in an academic office they're up the stairs are passing down chairs. it seemed to have been areas of barricading as well. >> i mean what i'm seeing right now is tactical gear, helmets and shields and zip ties. >> and i'm assuming that they would also have weapons on them because they would not necessarily know the level of resistance or if it was armed resistance that they would be in fact encountering. tell me about the coordination though, that it would take to have this many nypd officers on a college campus began. marquez says barricading and closing off
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streets like broadway and amsterdam made sure thoroughfares really in these certain areas that particular broadway what kind of coordination and planning would have been taken to get to this point to have the resistance be as minimal as it seemed to event. >> well, i think what you saw is over the last two days when students took the building, then barricaded the building and then today as they held that building, the nypd has been talking to columbia university literally every day for two weeks about the group that was camped out on the quad on the lawn, about whether columbia wanted police to come in and remove them a second time? so when the building was taken, the security cameras inside where smashed barricades were put around it. all the entrances columbia made the decision that this is where the line is drawn and called them in for a police. this was a
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plan that they had already been considering and that they brought a lot of people, but they also brought a lot of special equipment, as you mentioned, they brought the emergency service unit. those are the people with the jaws of life. if they have to breach a door, those are the people with the tools to cut through any barricades that they have. two, those are the people who have the flash bangs if they needed a distraction device but what you didn't see was a lot of special weapons. in other words, they came armed the way police officers do what they're sayyed arms, but there wasn't any particular large number of swat type weapons because they knew they were dealing with they knew they were dealing with protesters. they knew they were likely to be unarmed. but they also knew that the possibility was they might meet some kind of resistance as they've seen in earlier protests. >> yeah, john, we're seeing some footage millionaire tonight and also some live footage of people who were on the streets and just we are learning that the university has been asking for the nypd to
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maintain some level of presence through at least even may 17. i mean shortly it will be may 1st, but that's at least almost a three-week period at that point in time to have additional police presence. what would that look like in terms of the amount of police that would be present? it's it can't possibly be the numbers we're talking about here. and we're seeing from tonight. >> but what would that look like? >> so that's going to be a judgment call about what that would look like. so first of all, let's say why, what does it mean? what it means is that a few hundred police officers came up to clear the kids who were both students and non-students who were camped out on that piece of ground and then when that operation was over, life resumed and they came back and they re camped out at this point, the college, columbia university has made the decision. if we're going to retake that ground for the second time when we retake it, we have to have a program to
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hold it because we have graduation coming up in just a couple of weeks and we don't want to have to keep doing this either to that ground. are the buildings. so the police can do a minimal presence there, which is they can put jersey barriers not jersey barriers. they can put the bicycle barriers around that piece of land that can have some limited access, controlled access, or no access as they prepare to set up for graduation they can have a small number of officers around it controlling that and a larger number on the outside are thinking over the larger number on the inside, which i think might just not be the look they're going for. but at this point, they're still in that planning stage show. >> i'm mel are so important to get your perspective. and as we're continuing to watch the live footage of officers remaining on the street outside of columbia university. we're going take a break. we will be back with more from the campus of columbia university tonight. a student from the campus will be with us in just a moment. plus the political reaction coming into night the whole
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light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. >> try free at i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn a breaking news tonight. >> the nypd says columbia university's property has been cleared less than two hours after hundreds of officers entered the school's campus in new york city hamilton hall, which was taken over by protesters last night has also been cleared. the nypd says, and nobody was injured during the operation. police say they are still monitoring different locations from protesters across the city. i want to bring into any reporter, julia vargas jones, julian you're now on columbia's campus. what do you see yeah, laura, so get
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back inside campus is the first look. >> i'm actually find the journalism school. we're in this room with a bunch of other journalists and people. >> finally for about two hours. but other side of these walls, i'm going to try and show you this best i can klein of nypd officers are still on campus? >> they're still in formation. unclear. we're hey behind the right building abilities who that, live in the west lawn where everything really began in almost two weeks ago you seem to the tense are still up from the original encampment that columbia so pm. deadline to be prepared on monday of behind it. >> there's bleachers already set up for graduation.
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>> that's coming up in about two weeks. been saying but very laura, it is so quiet on canvas. there's basically not assault. it's just nypd it is you can hear a pin drop in this campus right now. as you can imagine, it occurred she mom's description of how precisely of the nypd worked with columbia to get people out and clear campus. they have done an excellent job at that because it is there's, there's not a soft once these students up in the residences i see i see them behind you, but tell me what you're in the journalism school. i see there were students in that area where you were where you are right now present. what is that? what are they talking? what are they saying? what is the reaction to the fact that i mean, i'm looking hey, across the campus through your vantage point, saying the encampment still in place line by officers. what are the students saying about what's happening right now, this eerily quiet where i would
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expect to see students walking back and forth. and even in a late night it's nypd yeah. >> well, one thing i really laura is back the journalism school has really stood up for all of us affiliated with brought us back and i was not expecting to be let in, but well somehow negotiated with nypd escorted back in everyone kind of shocked that this is happening. >> and our school as a student as well, i expect this to happen and de-escalation over the past few days so still shocking to hear this a little bit, a little bit been jason
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and to the point you were just raising about what the students are thinking and i want to get right back to you, but i want to bring in jonas, do whose editor in chief of the columbia sundial and a junior at columbia university, you're you're on campus right now. >> we're just talking to my colleague think about what would she was seeing in the vantage point from even the journalism school, having a little bit trouble with her audio, but you're on campus right now. what can you see? >> so i am on-campus property. i am actually in a friend's dormitory building but this dorm is not actually within the campus gates. and so what has happened is that all of today, columbia students, even columbia students that live in housing, we couldn't access campus if we didn't live in in a couple of specific dorms that are within the gaits as a journalist, i was out on 114th street trying to photograph the
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police, trying to photograph where they were coming in and bringing the protesters out. and so in preparation for that, what the police did was they pushed basically everyone on the street into the nearest building and made us remain there not sure if that research into syllabus, i believe it is. which is why i've just been in this building the whole time and we actually went up to the roof to one of the upper levels and we could see sort of onto the street. we could see the buses. they had like five or six police buses, massive police buses coming in. we saw them bring out the protesters they were massive protests going on on amsterdam avenue and they were jeering at the police are bringing the protesters out we saw a couple of protesters tried to obstruct the road, sit down. do you know make it make it hard for the police officers and the police took care of that we saw a woman who was being a hung upside down. hold on to police bus but overall, it was fairly
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orderly. >> it was very loud even from the height that we are at. but it's just a chaotic scene even from just outside the campus gates. >> are you are you getting a sense and obviously at columbia university is not a small all student population, but you're getting a sense from, your peers and your fellow students that those who were arrested recently, our students or from outside the institution well, it's really hard to say, but there has to be some level of student involvement at the end. >> say that students well, even though campus has been campus has been locked down to columbia id holders, now, there has been ways of getting in getting non-affiliated into campus. >> but for the most part, you need columbia students provide you with ids that you can get into canvas i think there is evidence that there is outside organizations behind the plane of the occupation, but there certainly are numerous students
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who are who were inside hamilton hall last night, as i was reporting on the barricade and on the occupation, i recognize many, many columbia students in the crowd that was forming the human chains around the entrances to hamilton hall this is at the end of the day. it's still a student fueled newsmen wouldn't have gotten to the extent that has gotten without without the involvement of the student organizations here, it's an important point. >> i wonder, are you getting communication from the university? >> i mean, you guys getting emails, you getting phone alerts. what how are you being communicated? with the university? i'm assuming we in the media, obviously knew about the request that was being made. it was public. it'd be a crest a request made to nypd. when were you first informed as a student body that it was happening? and what has been the communication since it's been virtually radio silence from the university, really, actually very shocking and so what we have received are
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during the day, they told us there's an illegal occupation of hamilton hall. students might face expulsion. all of that, and then in the evening, as nypd, they were gathering around campus we got a text message alert and an email saying that there was a shelter in place order and that we needed to stay in our drawings and not go out onto campus or not explored the area. no specific no specifics were given, but all of us knew that that was sort of a signal that the nypd was going to raid canvas. but once again, not an explicit sign and beyond that, we got a message from the dean of columbia college and the dean of columbia engineering tonight. they were saying, we support you please stay safe. pretty boilerplate message, but we haven't heard anything from university president should 50k let alone any other higher up administers its, it's very, very surprising, especially given the unprecedented nature of calling the nypd here for a
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second time. >> by the way, it does that stand in contrast to what has happened in recent weeks, i had you been hearing from the president university up until now, are other higher student affairs student officials, or camp? this officials until now or has this been a consistent drumbeat of silence so actually their word near daily updates meeting up to today, which is why today's lack of communication is shocking to a lot of students and so we would get updates, we get updates that they set that they weren't going to call the nypd again because there was a lot of backlash to that among the students and among the faculty. >> administration decided to do was to pursue negotiation with the protesters instead. so people were under the impression that there's not going to be another nypd raid on canvas. now, with the end of nicole and with the escalation in the form of the occupation of hamilton hall, that all that then tire calculus has definitely changed on the
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administration's level. >> really important to hear your perspective and guess what students are experiencing right now. thank you so much you've got a lot more from columbia university. were police have cleared the campus of protesters well, here from university professors next, back in a moment trump hush money trial, gavel to gavel coverage bridge the weight only cnn can bring it to you legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom. follow the facts, follow the testimony morning follows cnn from friends coming over to mom's coming over so many ways to save life ready wallet happy. >> but 3605 whole foods market. >> so which like are we operating? asking the right question can greatly impact your future sure. >> you're an orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances, us certified financial planner. i'm a cfp professional cop professionals are committed to acting in your
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polantz at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn are breaking news, a mass police presence remains on the campus of columbia university at this our new your police say university property including hamilton hall oh, just taken over by pro-palestinian protesters. just last night, has now been cleared just about two hours after hundreds of officers entered the new york city campus during me now, hagar chemali, an adjunct
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associate professor at columbia university. thank you so much for being here, professor. i mean, we haven't watching this throughout the last couple of weeks, but certainly in last 24 hours for as and hours since this has happened dozens have been arrested. some will be expelled, and the university statement saying tonight that they made the decision to bring in the nypd back to protect the safety of everyone. do you support that decision to have had nypd on campus too clear the canvas and specific quickly as well, hamilton hall will i do because i think the university had no choice. >> i'm not sure if i'm in the majority on that opinion among the faculty. if so, it's a silent majority. but the fact is that the university and we saw them, the administration were negotiating in good faith with the protesters for at least ten days. we were being kept up to date as your previous guest, jonas, i believe mentioned we were getting emails on a daily basis and often multiple times a day and detailing the negotiations
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that they were making progress that they had hoped. and it looked like he was in good faith, especially after the arrests from today's ago, that this was the rapid ms fisher was trying to take. but those talks reached an impasse and the problem now is that they had no choice because the students barricaded themselves in this building. this is an academic building you've got exams next week, you have the students are very loud. you have the right in front of the library where students are trying to study for their exams. >> and they vandalized. and frankly, what they did was not just against columbia rules, but was also illegal and so they have to restore order on campus, not just for the exams, but also for graduation. you have students who didn't have a graduation because of the pandemic before, who have it now, you have students who've never had anyone in their family graduate and you can't have a small protesters mess that up for everybody else. >> well, as you mentioned, graduation on the 15th of may, and i think they've asked for police presence to remain till may 17 as you mentioned, this
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reading period that's happening right now. >> i do wonder, given that there seemed to have been an impasse reached and only broken, it seems by the occupation of hammering walton hall. >> did the university wait too long to act well, i think that's actually a bigger question if you look at how the university has approached the protestors since october 7, because at the very beginning after the conflict started the university was weak in its response and didn't really seem to know how to respond to protests and certainly two language that incited violence and anti-semetic and hateful language. they were weak on that in general, and in my opinion, i wake meaning what they did not respond at all, they allowed to happen. >> are there response was so tab but what do you mean it's not really so much a question about not only protests to happen, protests or if anything encouraged on columbia's campus, it's one of the great things about columbia's campus is we have a very deprived of in our academic freedom, in our expression and the ability for
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students to debate and to learn and explore these things but the fact is that october 7 after october 7, a lot of professors didn't want to address what was happening and the administration also at the beginning, the communications coming from the administration was slow. >> we weren't seeing very strong guidance. we weren't seeing much. and as a result, when you don't have professors or the administration teaching students, guy i think done on what violent rhetoric looks like, what anti-semitic language looks like, what hateful language looks like. and by the way, also giving them spaces so that they can debate in a way that they learn how to have civil dialogue. that wasn't created. there was a lot more of just talking at them with webinars and emails and task forces and the problem is, i think a lot of that ended up growing this sentiment younger students that they wanted to speak loudly. they didn't know how to do it. and by the way, there was a statement by the university today about the influence of outsiders. and that is something that's been documented throughout the protests since, since october 7
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the influence the outsiders and students inviting outsiders tied to certain terrorist organizations is well-documented in the press, by the way, to speak to them. and that's something columbia's tried to put a clamp down, so it's been very difficult to tenuous. so with the lead to answer your question with the latest round in my opinion, i thought that they did the right thing after the last time they did they arrest in trying to negotiate with these students and good faith in trying to tell them we need you to leave your breaking the rules in doing everything they can, but i do think when they once they went into the building to hamilton hall, they had to move quickly. that's a standard for anytime a police forces invited to break something up, the sooner you do it, the better for gosh, am i thank you so much for joining us, essentially, how your perspective here from as a professor at the university up next, new arrests, numbers tonight we are learning it, coming in more than 100 proteins that's was arrested at columbia and city college of new york. love more of all that
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some sort of a device to break into a or open up a door appears to be a hammer of some kind of an otherwise academic office time. what you are seeing and what you're hearing tonight. >> yeah. that's a different tools that they brought with them. and when they knew they were gonna go in and start clearing the rooms and searching for people who are inside significant. we're just learning laura, those hundred arrests, both from columbia university on city college, which saw some protests tonight i'm out here now. things are very calm. most of the law enforcement presence is gone and now really, we're going to learn more about who some of these people are. and that's going to come tomorrow in the days ahead. and that's going to be significant especially as we learn about the individuals who broke into hamilton hall, which really said all of this off how those individuals not broken into the building, perhaps we wouldn't even be here right now. so things have changed because of that. and so
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tomorrow at some point, i assume there'll be in court. they're facing in some pretty serious charges, burglary charges, the students that were arrested on campus will likely mostly face trespassing charges. maybe some other charges. but the most significant charges will come from the individuals who broke into hamilton hall. and really i think the nypd is going to make it a focus of theirs to put out information about these individuals who they say some of them are outside agitators outside elements that came in and co-opted this protests and broken to that room. so there's still a lot more to learn here. but for now the big presence of law enforcement things are calm. things have been cleared and we'll see what happens tomorrow. certainly the response from faculty and the students in the coming days. >> it'd be important to see if there has been a changing of the sentiment among the campus community following that entering for people to realize, of course, esha mentioned burglary might seem odd for people one thing about burglary
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as in the taking of something you're going into someone's home or a space and removing property. it can also be the breaking and entering during the nighttime hours is what is often defined as burglary as opposed to just trespass. i was july disorderly conduct, things coming as well. i want to bring in columbia university professor and cnn present here's my story and tim naftali and the conversation tim, good to see you i mean, this is quite reminiscent for so many people of a series of different protests that have happened more collectively on college campuses, albeit for different reasons. but this nypd action is actually coming on. i understand the 50 anniversary of the night 18, 68 action at the same building, hamilton hall what are your thoughts tonight as a professor there and looking at the lens as a historian well, this is the seventh time that hamilton hall has been occupied, are barricaded by demonstrators, including 1968. >> and in fact, in 1968. and
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that's, that's what you're referring to. >> the hall was occupied by students, cleared by police and then occupied by students again two weeks later so for columbia graduates and ghraieb, columbia students hamilton hall is sort of the center point. >> it's if you wish to make a statement dramatically you do it in and around hamilton hall 1968, the first time it was occupied, hamilton hall was the scene of a dramatic police action. that resulted in the arrests of 700 people so we're talking about tonight about 100 people and that includes, i think city college. so i'm not sure how many columbia university students have been arrested today. but in 1960 on the same day, april 30 after occupying hamilton hall and for other buildings the
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demonstrators were removed by the nypd. and as i said, 700 people were were arrested and that created an emotional shock for columbia it resulted in an investigation of columbia and though i didn't go to school in colombia and i've only been there a short period of time. what i know about the school is that it created scars and the question i have and i don't say this is someone who doubts that those students had to be removed from hamilton hall. but what i worry about throughout our country right now is the lesson that students are going to learn from this we have seen on the left, as well as the right in our country i'm a an adoption of a absolutism if you are not, if you don't agree with me you are complicit in
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the evil that i don't agree with interesting, we've seen it on the right, we talk about it all the time on the right, but it's also on the left. and i say see this from having walked on the campus this week and listen to the chance of those young people. and i say this with a heavy heart because as an educator, my job is to open the world to my students, not close it. my job is to allow them to feel secure in trying new ideas and, and what i'm hearing from some students is a closing of their mind, an unwillingness to understand a different point of view, a sense that if you disagree with me, you are complicit in genocide well, this is a conversation that will continue and is continuing across the country as other educators are grappling with a way to educate and inform and listen simultaneously.
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>> and a very daunting task. and then the last professor, thank you for joining us. we have more than a breaking news out of columbia just a moment, including new reporting that the wife of an indicted terrorist on the campus of columbia university details next always dry scope before you run hot dog died, got me. >> it's time we listened to science one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day science that matters, yeah, introducing ned's flexor is he thinks is flaky red patches are all people see oh tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. oh tesla can help you get clear. >> don't use a tesla if you're allergic to it, serious allergic reactions can happen so tesla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. >> some people taking the tesla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight upper respiratory tract infection, and headache live in the moment. >> ask your doctor about tesla
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